About Eniawrites

On this site, you will find a ton of writing advice, but it isn’t mine. Instead, think of this place as a curation of writing advice from all kinds of sources. Eniawrites is about curating techniques, processes, and knowledge about how to write fictional stories. Here you’ll find reviews for writing resources and suggestions on what you could try out for different kinds of writing problems.

Aside from this, Eniawrites is also meant to give you some resources that can help with setting up a writing routine, creating accountability for yourself, and also find other people interested in the topic of writing fiction to compare notes with. For this last part especially I have a YouTube Channel that covers a lot of the initial testing of writing techniques and resources. Where the YouTube videos are mostly about testing things out to see what works and in what situation, here on Eniawrites you will find the accompanying blog posts that summarize all the knowledge in pure theory or how-to formats so that you can apply them yourself.

The overall objective for this site is to have a wiki-like library of resources for the following topics:

  • Storytelling Theory
  • Writing Techniques
  • Writing Process (from Idea to Publishing)
  • Writing Productivity (How to create a routine etc.)
  • Review of Writing Resources  (Books, Courses, etc.)

Meet the Contributors to This Site


Contributors is too much…Contributor is more accurate, that one idiot writing about writing topics she’s interested in, now that probably comes closest.

I am a Wannabe Writer meaning I am not published, I don’t have a finished portfolio to show off and I am very much at the beginning of my own learning process. That is why this site and the YouTube Channel are about the learning process of going from a Wannabe Writer to a Professional Storyteller.