Summary Writing-Technique

Summary Writing The idea with this technique is to write summaries instead of scenes when you’re doing your first drafting. Summaries are where you just tell what happened through narration rather than trying to show through dialogue and description. This way you can focus on figuring out the story and have the basic elements in …

Subplot: A Comprehensive Guide

What is a subplot, and what is its purpose? A subplot is a secondary storyline that runs parallel to the main plot and is interwoven with it. Its purpose is to add layers, complexity, and depth to the story, further character development, intensify conflict and stakes, and provide contrast in tone and events.

Does Authortube Make You a Better Writer? DOES AUTHORTUBE MAKE YOU A BETTER WRITER? I tested out how useful AuthorTube writing advice is to a Wannabe Writer by trying to create an outline based on their advice. Posted by Enia. Does AuthorTube Make You A Better Writer? ARTICLE Writing Advice from AuthorTube can be helpful as a starting point. It can …

Basics of Writing Horror

Horror is basically an exploration of our fears. Fear at its most basic is the idea that something bad is going to happen and that it is not going to be okay. That we find ourselves in an unknown situation with an uncertain and terrifying outcome. That is the core of horror.