Summary Writing-Technique

Summary Writing The idea with this technique is to write summaries instead of scenes when you’re doing your first drafting. Summaries are where you just tell what happened through narration rather than trying to show through dialogue and description. This way you can focus on figuring out the story and have the basic elements in …

Ripley-Approach – Writing Technique

“Wait…is Ripley a man or woman…?” Ripley-Approach Famously in the script for “Alien”, it was not specified if Ripley was going to be a man or a woman. If you’re struggling with putting gender clichés and stereotypes aside while developing your characters, try the Ripley-Approach and leave it unspecified whether your character is male or …

Cliche Phrases

Cliche phrases became cliche phrases because at one point in time (back when they were still fresh) they described something perfectly. They were so accurate that they created a vivid image in the reader’s mind. Because of that they were memorable and got copied so many times they became set phrases themselves. But at the …