Story Conflict Types

“I would agree with you but
then we would both be wrong.”

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Below you’ll find an overview of the different types of conflict in stories and also, a list of subtypes for each of them. The subtype list are the most common conflict types I’ve come across so far. I will add more when I come across them. 


What Types of Story Conflict are there?

  • Person vs. Self
  • Person vs. Person
  • Person vs. Society
  • Person vs. Unknown/Supernatural
  • Person vs. Nature
  • Person vs. Fate

Person vs. Self

  • Identity Crisis: The protagonist grapples with questions about their true identity, struggling to reconcile conflicting aspects of their personality or make important life choices.
  • Moral Dilemma: The protagonist faces a difficult decision that challenges their values and forces them to confront their own ethical boundaries.
  • Self-Doubt: The protagonist battles with insecurities and a lack of confidence, hindering their ability to pursue their goals and fulfill their potential.
  • Regret: The protagonist grapples with past mistakes or missed opportunities, seeking redemption or closure.
  • Self-Discovery: The protagonist embarks on a journey of self-discovery, exploring their values, passions, and purpose in life.
  • Addiction or Temptation: The protagonist battles against addiction or succumbs to temptations that threaten their well-being or relationships.

Person vs. Person

  • Rivalry: The protagonist engages in fierce competition or rivalry with another character, whether it’s in sports, love, business, or any other area.
  • Betrayal: The protagonist discovers that someone they trusted has deceived or betrayed them, leading to a conflict of loyalty and the need for revenge or forgiveness.
  • Conflict of Interest: The protagonist finds themselves at odds with another character due to conflicting desires, goals, or ideologies, creating tension and opposition.
  • Forbidden Love: The protagonist falls in love with someone they are not supposed to, leading to conflict and challenges in pursuing the relationship.
  • Power Struggle: The protagonist becomes entangled in a struggle for power or control, facing off against an antagonist who seeks dominance or authority.
  • Revenge: The protagonist seeks vengeance against a person who has wronged them, leading to a cycle of retaliation and escalating conflict.

Person vs. Society

  • Social Oppression: The protagonist confronts systemic injustice, discrimination, or oppression, challenging societal norms and fighting for equality and change.
  • Cultural Clash: The protagonist clashes with the expectations and traditions of their community or society, as they strive to forge their own path and pursue their individuality.
  • Breaking the Mold: The protagonist challenges societal expectations and stereotypes, defying the prescribed roles assigned to them and seeking to redefine their place in society.
  • Corruption: The protagonist uncovers deep-rooted corruption within the system or society and becomes determined to expose and fight against it.
  • Nonconformity: The protagonist rebels against societal expectations and norms, forging their own path and challenging the status quo.
  • Social Pressure: The protagonist feels trapped or overwhelmed by societal expectations and must navigate the pressure to conform while staying true to themselves.

Person vs. Unknown/Supernatural

  • Unexplained Phenomena: The protagonist encounters strange and unexplained occurrences, leading them to investigate and unravel mysteries beyond their comprehension.
  • Paranormal Encounter: The protagonist confronts supernatural entities or forces, forcing them to navigate a world beyond the natural realm and confront their fears.
  • Confronting the Unknown: The protagonist grapples with fear and uncertainty as they venture into uncharted territories or face the inexplicable, testing their courage and resilience.
  • Cursed Object: The protagonist comes into possession of a cursed object, leading to a series of supernatural events and a struggle to break free from its grip.
  • Haunting or Ghostly Encounter: The protagonist confronts a malevolent spirit or ghostly presence that haunts them, threatening their sanity or well-being.
  • Battle with Darkness: The protagonist faces an internal battle against their own inner demons, which may manifest as supernatural entities or psychological struggles.

Person vs. Nature

  • Survival: The protagonist finds themselves in a hostile natural environment and must battle against the elements, hunger, or other life-threatening challenges to survive.
  • Environmental Disaster: The protagonist faces the consequences of a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, earthquake, or wildfire, and must adapt or rebuild their lives in its aftermath.
  • Animal Encounters: The protagonist encounters dangerous or wild animals, prompting a struggle for survival and a clash between human civilization and the untamed natural world.
  • Man-Made Disaster: The protagonist deals with the consequences of a disaster caused by human actions, such as pollution, industrial accidents, or deforestation.
  • Taming the Wild: The protagonist undertakes a journey to tame a wild or dangerous animal, forming a bond and overcoming obstacles in the process.

Person vs. Fate

  • Predestined Path: The protagonist grapples with the belief that their future is predetermined, leading to a conflict between accepting their fate or defying it to carve their own destiny.
  • Challenging Prophecy: The protagonist becomes aware of a prophecy or prediction that foretells their fate, and they must navigate the obstacles and choices that will determine whether the prophecy comes true or is defied.
  • Navigating Destiny: The protagonist faces a series of seemingly fated events or encounters, forcing them to question whether they can alter their destiny or if they are destined to fulfill a particular purpose.
  • Acceptance: The protagonist comes to terms with their inevitable fate, finding peace or purpose in embracing what is meant to be.
  • Sacrifice: The protagonist must make a difficult choice that involves sacrificing their own desires or well-being for the greater good or to fulfill a higher purpose.


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